Tuesday 8 November 2011

rings and things...

I have a bit of an indifferent relationship with jewellery - on one hand I feel lost if I haven't got any earrings in or my watch on.  However, I could go weeks without wearing a ring or a bracelet.  I have a mix of pieces ~ Tiffany Silver which I love to bits I found at a bootfair or charity shop for 50p.

I must point out that I tend to not draw attention to my hands so it is a rare occasion that I will either wear colour on my nails or a ring.

Anyways, I thought I'd do a very quick post about a ring that I found in New Look. As most of my pieces are quite delicate and unobtrusive I wasn't sure I'd like this but when I tried this on it really appealed to me and for under £5 it was well worth it. 

Wearing it today at work has been interesting - I've really felt its presence and when I look at my hand there it is glaring back at me but I have to say I do love it. Its chunky, shiny and a bit OTT but I really think I could collect a few more like this to wear as a one off.

Wearing it today with NYC nail colour - Park Ave


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