Tuesday 27 September 2011

donation weekend... part 1

Luckily for me where I live there are a great number of charity shops which mum and I scour on a weekly basis for clothes, accessories, books and furniture.

My house is currently undergoing the last few stages of its makeover so between us we've been sorting out what I need and don't need.

When I moved into this house 2 years ago, some items of furniture were left behind including some lovely vintage mirrors and an old stereogram which looked great as a vintage-esque sideboard but the time had come to move it on. I was quite reluctant to part with it and I definitely didn't want it to go to the tip so I found a local shop that was willing to take it.

The British Heart Foundation are happy to take donations of all sorts including in the larger shops, furniture and electrical goods.

So for the first part of my donation weekend - off we trundled with the stereogram complete with original instructions and needles. I felt much better being able to donate the piece and let someone have use of it rather than it going to the rubbish heap. 
On Saturday I also took another piece of furniture to Oxfam in Rochester. A corner unit which I bought which was too large for my room.  They were pleased to accept it and once again it felt good being able to pass on the furniture and for it be used in a new home.

My main reason for writing is to remind people to re-cycle unwanted goods for all types not just clothes and shoes but furniture and other items.  Not only are you donating to some really worthy causes but other people are able to benefit from your donations and the pieces take on a whole new lease of life!

please check out your local charity shops as most are willing to collect items so you wouldn't even have to go to the trouble of taking the items to shop yourself - how easy could it be!


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