Monday, 16 July 2012

my humps... Pt 2

image courtesy of
Some may remember I blogged a few weeks back about having my first mammogram.  

Well the deed has been done!

I opted to go private and pay for the exam myself which was £180 - not overally cheap I know but when you compare it to what you pay on shopping/going out etc over a couple of months then I think its well worth it.

Included in the price was a consultation and breast exam which I can honestly say was the best hour conversation about my health I'd had in a long time.

The overall experience I found easy to arrange and was carried out extremely well. Ok the mammogram was uncomfortable more than painful but I did feel good after having the consultation and felt the money spent was worthwhile ~  I get the results in 2 weeks.

Most mammogram's (unless you have family history) are not available on the NHS until you reach 50.  I would say, as I did before, if you can afford to have this done privately then take up the option.


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