Wednesday 18 July 2012

All about July (so far) ...

July is my Birthday month and this year was a 'special' birthday so I was determined to do something different.  After a gorgeous holiday in the South of France soaking up the Sunshine in late June, it very quickly ticked over into July and here is a little visual round up of things so far...

Going on holiday with mum and on my Birthday being given my beautiful Nan's Wedding and Engagement rings as a present.  So precious to me ~ miss her lots

 Deciding to change my car and I found Pops ~ aint she the cutest, she's a Fiat 500 

Meeting one of fave DJ's Trevor Nelson

Adding to my growing collection of Momiji Dolls

Taking the boy for his first 'real' shopping trip so he could buy 
his new shirt and trainers

and one last quick thing ~ 
I found this ad in Metro today ~ it sums us up  

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