Wednesday, 11 July 2012

getting back on the fitness bus...

I feel like I've been out of the loop for a long time since I decided not to go back to my yoga classes.  Long story involving an over-enthusiastic instructor but anyways.. 

During my France holiday I thought I needed a mind, body and house overhaul so best get on with it. We started on the house last weekend so now its on to body (mind we'll leave for now).  I have a community hall literally minutes walk from my house but as yet cannot find a teacher/instructor who does classes there.  The ideal really is not to have to drive to get to a class, I'd rather just walk there, so while I'm still investigating that I'm looking for yoga classes to begin again.  Before the holidays, Sis and I went to Zumba which was fun and yes we worked up a sweat whilst realising just how unco-ordinated we really were!  The only thing I found was with the instructor she didn't have much crowd interaction, so whilst we were side-stepping into one another there was occasionally a 'whoop whoop' and 'step to the left' from her and little else. I found the lack of interaction made the class much less enjoyable.  So calling all Zumba instructors in Medway, do you run a lively interactive class and if so, I'd love to hear from you ~ Tweet me 

While we're at it anyone know of any good Pilates/Yoga/fusion-Dance classes in the Strood/Rochester area of Kent?

It almost makes me feel like learning to be an instructor myself to be able to get the classes I'd enjoy but surely there is someone out there who can oblige..?

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