Friday 20 July 2012

keeping on an even keel...

Since I've got older I've found that being able to 'manage' the lead up and duration of my period has changed over time.  It used to be that I got sore bumps, achy knees (?!) and feeling like I was carrying a lead weight instead of a normal tummy.

Nowadays it seems to have progressed onto major irritability along with tender bumps and tum.  The irritability was becoming a worry ~ I knew when my driving (and swearing) became erratic that I was due.  In fact I can now pretty much tell what day I am in the month according to how I feel (which is slightly depressing).

I would say if you have any of the above then firstly go talk to your GP or well woman clinic.  As I mentioned when I recently had my mammogram consultation, I had the best hour long chat about my hormones that I think I've ever had!   I do try and manage my body and mind throughout the month with Evening Primrose Oil, Vitamin B6 which I order from Healthspan (because I can order the veggie versions) and my meds (prescribed by my GP).  I do find that I still need to carry my Rescue Remedy for days when even the simplest thing seems to annoy me ~ grr!

I have also recently gone back to yoga, which I am hoping will also help.  They do say that  doing some form of exercise during your period can really help and as much as you may not have the energy or inclination, forcing yourself to exercise releases 'happy hormones' which help with the mood swings.  

Fitness has always been an interest for me but it comes and goes in fads.  I've tried the gym (didnt like working on machines except the running). I took up a course of Pole Dancing courses which were amazing for fitness and upper body strength and I tended to get very bruised but still all part of the laugh.  Back in the day I used to go to Fitness classes and Legs, Tums and Bums which were a mix of dance and aerobics.   Recently started Zumba classes because I enjoyed the dance element and the fact that it was a 'bit different'.  

The only one activity I have stuck with, off and on, over the years is Yoga,  I first started at Adult Education and its continued from there. I've found Yoga works for me because it does, throughout the 90 minutes, force my brain to focus on one thing instead of a million things and the meditation session at the end eases you into just relaxing every part of your body and mind.  Although I have to admit, by this time in the evening my mind is usually thinking about what to have to eat when I get home which kinda defeats the whole 'meditation/relaxation' mantra but its something I'm working on...

image from

I found yoga hub to be a good source of info for finding local classes and tutors, classes seem to range from between £5-£8 and some tutors do offer 1-1 sessions at your home (at additional costs) if you wanted to learn the basics before joining a class.

I'm aiming to mix up the classes I go to in order to keep my interest levels up and not to get into a rut and end up slacking off altogether!

I walk my dog Scout every day and with longer runs at weekends and have just found this link on which looks like fun...

What classes do you take?  Have you found the 'next new fitness craze'?


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