Thursday, 23 May 2013

mini try outs...

hello! am still here honest...

I nipped into Boots t'last week and was just on my way out and saw this.  Not bad for £9.50 from Benefit so it had to be worth a go...

first up the Porefessional primer before so was handy to try an 'ickle version and I do like it. Its very light and I do feel like its made a difference.  

next was the Bad Gal Lash which i had tried before and did really like. it doesnt seem to clump and separates my lashes really well.

Last was the Posie Tint which I hadn't tried before but a little goes a long way and as I'm very pale, by using just a touch and blending in it worked.

a great little collection at a great price ~ well worth it!

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