Monday, 7 January 2013

new year & stuff...

Ok so 2012 wasn't all bad.  Some parts were fun, heartbreaking and nerve-wracking but ok I admit i *did* get through it, despite thinking at times I wouldn't..

my 3rd tattoo ~ 
this was the top i found that i used as a template for the design. 
Nerve-wracking, exciting and exhilarating all at the same time

turning 40 ~
fun, nervy, exciting and wet 
(not in a dodgy way, just really bad weather in Devon  ~ 
this was the front door of our cute little cottage)

 Nan's wedding and engagement rings ~
 I was given them by mum and dad as a birthday gift, aww!

buying a new cute little car  ~
little Pops!

having a mammogram ~
 nerve-wracking and uncomfortable 
but something i'd promised myself I'd do for peace of mind

meeting a lovely new man ~ 
which was all kinds of exciting, warm, fuzzy and hopeful ~ followed by heartbreak/disappointment/upset (but hey can't win 'em all it would seem)

Christmas in Cornwall ~
wet, fun and time with family (there is a recurring theme of getting wet in 2012!)

after  Christmas and NY my aims and achievements have been...

getting organised ~ for the first time in a **long** time I decided to get organised. I did loads of shredding and chucking out ~ who knew a shredder could be so satisfying and so much fun!

sorting my finances ~ putting things into files that need filing which also means I can actually find them when I need them 

selling things I don't need/no longer use ~ which means I could finish paying my Dad back the money he lent me

getting my living room looking how I want ~ so I am treating myself  to new sofa 


image from

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