Sunday, 20 January 2013

interior design...

With a new year came a new determination to get organised. I've sorted all my 'admin' into folders and have made a start on decorating, along with which comes the whole 'clear stuff out and let go!' 

I have a cupboard in the corner of my room for my bags, which ideally would have shelving and/or hooks to display them all ~ stepdad will be working on that.

For the moment, I am doing the easy bits ~ sorting the stuff, so there is less of it when I put it all back after re-decoration.  I have some images of the look I want to work towards 

I want to go for barely there walls, with a beige/grey/mushroom/cream colour palette and have everything away in vintage style bedside cabinets, painted wardrobes, chests and blanket boxes. With the ultimate accessory of course ~ cushions!

Putty Bubble knit cushion £14

Heringbone Throw £25

so what are some of your new year 'make over' ideas?

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