Thursday 10 November 2011

back to playschool...

I had a 'back to playschool' evening this week - 'how come I hear you ask..'  Well I had been requested by mum to make her a birthday card (its her birthday today so HB Mum!) rather than buying from the shop.  So I sat down in front of Masterchef to get making.

I had alot of the paraphernalia from before when I went through a 'making and doing' time and bought up loads of card, paper, stars, hearts and glue..

Actually I found it quite therapeutic and got quite engrossed - I found a picture I liked in a magazine then got on with the cutting and sticking and here is the finished result...

It might not win awards but mum text this morning to say she loved it cos it reminded her of me (which was the idea - I used to be blonde when I was little btw)


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